Monday, September 27, 2010

How I use Facebook

I use facebook for several reasons. Facebook makes me closer with my friends, family and relatives. I use some applications of facebook for entertainment purposes. Facebook enables me to chat instantly with people from different corners of the earth. I personally use facebook to get together with other people who I have known before and I still currently know. It is one of the most widely used social networking sites around the world because of it features and still improving applications. I use facebook at least everyday because of school purposes and when I have lots of free time, by school purposes means that I get to talk my classmates and group mates with out meeting them. Some people use facebook to get information about people they like or they admire, because of the available information given to the friends of a person. In facebook we can see the things that our friends are doing with the news feed. We can post our photos, videos and other information about ourselves. I think facebook is one of the best social networking sites available to date. Sooner or later there will be a site that would over shadow facebook but for now facebook will always be the site I would use to stay connected. 

Photo Blog


Love Making

I was born


My first birthday


I like using the computer
I like playing basketball

I am currently in school


I will live in a mansion

I will have fast cars

I would die someday

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

About Me ( Lawrence T. San Jose )

I am Lawrence T. San Jose. I am the third out of three children. Being the youngest there are ups and some downs. One up is that i get to have the thing that i want and request for. Another down side is that i am the one always commanded to do something. I have an interest in music specifically playing the guitar. Some day I would want to become a famous guitarist. My father, Lauro San Jose, who is a medical doctor. My mother, Maria Divina T. San Jose. I have two sibling Lauro San Jose Jr. who is a registered nurse and my sister,Diana Jane San Jose is a third year college student taking up nursing.

Monday, September 20, 2010

10 ways to fix basic education

10 Ways to fix basic education:

1. 12-Year Basic Education Cycle
2. Universal pre-schooling for all
3. Madaris Education as a sub-system within the Education system.
4. Bring back technical vocational education to high school.
5. “Every Child a Reader” by Grade 1
6. Science and Math proficiency
7. Assistance to private schools as partners in basic education
8. Medium of Instruction rationalized
9. Quality textbooks
10. Covenant with Local Governments to build more schools

Science and Math Proficiency :

 Now a day's students in elementary and high school and even college are having difficulties in science and math. due to the problem of the students, the different schools have increased the time allotted for science and math. Like our school from being a forty minute subject it became a sixty minute subject or one hour. As early as grade one they are being taught the basics in math and science.

Some students from their childhood would like to take up Medicine but because of their inefficiency in science, they are discouraged to take it up. Another one is people who want to take up engineering which is known to have many mathematical equations. When they enter into high school they tend to fail resulting to them being discouraged to take up engineering. A simple solution is to be determined to pass, study hard and persevere to do everything you are capable of to reach your goal.