Monday, September 27, 2010

How I use Facebook

I use facebook for several reasons. Facebook makes me closer with my friends, family and relatives. I use some applications of facebook for entertainment purposes. Facebook enables me to chat instantly with people from different corners of the earth. I personally use facebook to get together with other people who I have known before and I still currently know. It is one of the most widely used social networking sites around the world because of it features and still improving applications. I use facebook at least everyday because of school purposes and when I have lots of free time, by school purposes means that I get to talk my classmates and group mates with out meeting them. Some people use facebook to get information about people they like or they admire, because of the available information given to the friends of a person. In facebook we can see the things that our friends are doing with the news feed. We can post our photos, videos and other information about ourselves. I think facebook is one of the best social networking sites available to date. Sooner or later there will be a site that would over shadow facebook but for now facebook will always be the site I would use to stay connected. 

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