Monday, October 4, 2010

SLU Centennial Celebration

This school year 2010-2011 we are celebrating our 100th year, also known as our centennial celebration. Our school, Saint louis University, is going to prepare events that are in line with the 100th year. We will relive the experiences that happened from the good and bad experiences that SLU have experienced. The different levels of our university prepared several activities and events, starting form the elemtary division, high school division and also the college division with their different departments. SLU being a catholic institution always have something that relates to our religion, christianity. We as louisian try to contribute as much as we can to make this school year 2010-2011 a great and enjoyable school year. We are all empowered students of God gifted with the mind and intelligence to do what is good and to avoid what is evil. With our upcoming centennial celebration we mark the achievements of our school being one of the best and greatest university in our country.

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